
04 December, 2018

Production server launch using Django and Apache and mod wsgi

Some of us develop Django applications which can be used inside Intranet for various purposes.
Some ideas are:
  • HRMS apps
  • Interview Management Tools
  • Grievance Management Tool
  • Financial Report Generators. 

These apps running on intranet, generally don't face too much traffic at a time, but they do need to compute or face heavy queries which is why, it's a good idea to release them on a proper environment . Typically they are light on UI. I choose to use bootstrap which is enough to achieve a decent look . 
Still you should serve them using something which is good at serving static content. So I chose Apache. Lets get started. 

31 October, 2018

Migrating your Django Project database from SQlite3 to MySQL

Django comes with an in-build default setup for SQLLite3 which is good for learning and minor static page based websites. Like blogs which is a standard example . But as soon you decide to create projects that might entail multiple users performing different operations at the same time, SQLLite is not recommended.

Hence the decision to migrate to a better DB system must be as early as possible. I had to under go a similar experience recently . It look a lot of time, trials to finally get it working . I am going to share you the complete steps assuming you don't even have a MySQL setup .

22 October, 2018

Quick guide to Logging to a file using Python

This is for setting up of a file logging system using Logging module

Step 1: Import the logging module.

import logging

Step 2: Create a logger for yourself. 

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)