
19 September, 2018

Working with context processors and WITH statement

We use. We forget. This is for myself so I remember the magic called Context Manager. You already must have used the "with statement" for file handling, threads, socket and other operations. I am going to talk about creating you OWN context managers.

The magic operator to be used is : @contextmanager. It can be imported from the module "contextlib"

To create a context manager, use the decorator contextlib.contextmanager

def getListCounts(x):
        from collections import Counter
        yield Counter(x)
        print 'No of elements in the list : %d' % len(x)

Let's now use the above context manager 
Example 1:
>>> with getListCount([10, 10, 12]) as c:
 print "Element occurring the most is %d" % c.most_common()[0][0]

Element occurring the most is 10
No of elements in the list : 3

Example 2:
>>> with getListCount([10, 10, 12]) as c:
 print "Element occurring the least is %d" % c.most_common()[-1][0]

Element occurring the least is 12
No of elements in the list : 3

A better practical example

For devices that support ethernet, we use sockets to communicate . Basic steps are:

  • Create a socket object
  • Connect the socket using IP and Port
  • Send some command
  • Receive reply (packets)
  • Close the socket connection.
In case we forget to close the socket, it's an integrating problem . May be we can prevent that using context processors. Let's see the implementation:

import contextlib
import socket


def sock_operation(IP, port):
        sock = socket.socket()
        sock.connect((IP, port))
        yield sock

with sock_operation('', 5008) as sock:
    data = ''
        while True:
            reply = sock.recv(16)
            print "reply: %s" % reply
            data += reply
    except socket.timeout:
        print repr(data)


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