
25 June, 2018

How to work on a Python Project when modules versions needed are different? Use virtualenv

Gone are the days when you need to create a VM for working on a different set of tools.  People work on different projects which might need a special version of a module. (Or python itself) . The problem aggravates when  multiple users work on a single shared machine (Test environments or Build machines ) .Virtual Environments help solve problem . And its easy to use and share among fellow teammates.

12 June, 2018

Exploring Numpy

What can we really do with Numpy? Why should we use it at all ?

Start with : import numpy

1. We can create arrays .

method: numpy.array(object, dtype=None, copy=True, order='K', subok=False, ndmin=0)

>>> a = numpy.array(range(10))
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> a.dtype

In the above array, there are 10 columns and 1 row.

Note : The concept of rows and columns applies when you have a 2D array. However, the array numpy.array([1,2,3,4]) is a 1D array and so has only one dimension, therefore shape rightly returns a single valued iterable.

Refer this link

01 June, 2018

Python List sorting with key argument explored

Everybody uses lists as an array to store values. List provide a lot of in-build features.

  • Sorting
  • Membership
  • Indexing
  • Iteration
  • reversing
  • Adding/Removing
  • Popping
  • Count

Lots of reasons to use lists. I think, one of the most used features is sorting. Internally , python uses Merge sort technique to sort the array items. But the sort method can be used in many other ways to have more control.

29 May, 2018

SVN commands you must know as an Test Automation Engineer

In the course of automation and continuous integration , you will someday come across a stage where you have to perform svn operations . And obviously, using command line (forget fancy UIs to do your business) using command line. And then you will have to start digging in,  which will take a substantial amount time ...believe me.

25 May, 2018

How to use argparse module to create command line tools with Python?

Its been decades I have been using sys.argv for simple tasks related to argument parsing. But the thing is, sometimes we don't realize how good something is unless we use it . Like the argparse module.

The official document got me totally confused. So I wrote my own tutorial. Let's get started.

02 May, 2018

Exploring COLLECTIONS module from Python

The 'collections' module has some interesting methods that give us an edge over generic inbuilt tools . I want to explore them here today and show how you can use them .


Tuples are represented as (item1, item2, item2, ...) . They support indexing and one of the ways to use them is :

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Car = namedtuple('Car','Price Mileage Colour Class')
>>> xyz = Car(Price = 100000, Mileage = 30, Colour = 'Cyan', Class = 'Y')
>>> print xyz
Car(Price=100000, Mileage=30, Colour='Cyan', Class='Y')
>>> print xyz.Class

They turn tuples into convenient containers for simple tasks. With namedtuples, you don’t have to use integer indices for accessing members of a tuple.

28 March, 2018

How to import and use a font in your website ?

Most people like to use the default available list of fonts . But what if we liked some other font and we want to use it our own website .

There are free downloadable fonts on the web. When you download a zip of it , you generally would receive files of the format 'ttf', 'otf' etc. You can visit the site and convert them into a format 'woff' .