
16 July, 2018

Generator functions. Why and when should we use them.

You probably have heard of them. But as a beginner python programmer, we tend to ignore it's values because we fail to find uses of it. When we have loops and itertools and other fancy toys offered, why should we bother to understand them. If you want to take your programming  or understanding of Python to the next level, you must understand and use generators more and more.

25 June, 2018

How to test POST call using Python?

I got into a situation recently where I needed to test if my POST function was indeed working. 
    Its easy to test GET method . You just visit the URL and that's it . But for POST, you an use Plugins. But unfortunately I can't do that , because my browser (admin restrictions ) doesn't allow me to install plugins . Fortunately if you have Python , you can easily do that .

How to work on a Python Project when modules versions needed are different? Use virtualenv

Gone are the days when you need to create a VM for working on a different set of tools.  People work on different projects which might need a special version of a module. (Or python itself) . The problem aggravates when  multiple users work on a single shared machine (Test environments or Build machines ) .Virtual Environments help solve problem . And its easy to use and share among fellow teammates.